Purchasing the Recommended Formulations
Our goal is to provide you with the best, most current nutritional information and recommendations for the best possible clinical outcomes. Your nutritional supplements are an important part of that success. We only recommend the highest quality, independently tested nutritional products and formulations from companies we know and trust. While you are absolutely free to purchase products from any source you wish, please recognize that the outcome may be affected. Neither you nor we will know if you will receive the same clinical results.
NOTE: Purchasing from unauthorized re-sellers online to save a few dollars may be attractive, but is potentially quite risky. Many such products are being sold contrary to the company's policies and without any verification of their origin. Analysis shows that "fake" or re-labelled expired products are not uncommon. It costs nothing today to print up a label, stick it on a bottle and put capsules of "something" inside.
To make it easy to order the exact formula recommended, you will see a Letter Key on your Nutritional Program sheet, for each nutritional formula recommended, indicating where it is available, as follows:
NeuroBiologix formulas
(E) Wellevate.me - the patient platform for EmersonEcologics
(M) Metagenics, Inc.
(B) Biotics Research Corporation
To order, you will need to establish an account with the appropriate supplier listed here. These companies are professional suppliers, not normal retail suppliers. We will provide you with our Professional Authorization Code to validate you as a client or send you an email authorization, as required..
Wellevate.me / EmersonEcologics
Click Here to order Metagenics formulas Click Here to order most common lab tests, Vitamin D, etc. Click here to find Gene-related formulas. Use the code "CNER" to receive free-shipping OR "CNER5" to receive 5% off your total order.Biotics Research formulas (Clients will need provider authorization codes to access Biotics Research products
Click Here to order NuMedica Professional Formulas (You must reference our office - "Center for Nutrition" on your first order form
Click Here to order from BioResources Inc.
To order Igenex testing for Lyme Disease and Lyme co-infections, please click on the banner below:
Scroll down on the left-hand menu until you see Lyme Disease Tests and then go to the Igenex page. During your consultation, we will advise you of additional specific tests that are critical in developing the effective support necessary to recover from Lyme.
For information on the New ISpot test for Lyme, please visit the website link provided below. This is a test we can order for you and have the kit drop-shipped to your door. ISpot Test Information
Tick Testing ~ When You NEED To Know!

To test ticks you find on you, on your dog, or in your house, for Borrelia (Lyme)as well as Babesia, Ehrlichia, and Bartonella, we recommend the Tic-Kit. This handy kit comes with a safe and effective tick-removal tool. Simply collect the tick, dead or alive, place in the kit and send it off to the lab. In 4-7 days, you can get your results online. Easy, effective and inexpensive. To order, please go to: CNER Dispensary Use the Access Code CNER to set up an account. If you have a family, you may want to have more than 1 kit on hand.
Up-Dating Recommendations
We are continually reviewing and re-evaluating nutritional products and formulations in the quest for enhanced clinical outcomes. That might mean "up-grading" a formula to one with a more active formulation or with increased bio-availability. In either case, if we feel it has merit, we will make that update at your next follow-up appointment. Keeping current with the latest scientific understanding and more effective formulations is an important part of getting the best clinical results.
We Appreciate Your Support
Ordering through our established web links helps support our Research, the production of the monthly E-Newsletter and our international humanitarian work. The monthly eNewsletter, now it its 10th year is provided free to those who utilize this service. Thank you for your continued support.